Welcome to the CVIR team

We are the team supervised by the lab of Computer Vision and Intelligent Robotics (CVIR). On behalf of the Changchun Uinveristy of Science and Technology(CUST), our aim is to explore and understand the computer vision issues associated with robots and take part in the robotic competitions mainly the Robomaster, and to be the best engineer!

To this end, we formed a team aiming to learn knowledge and skills in various fields,like electric control,algorithm and machinery.

We are located at CUST, the birthplace of optical engineering in China. As a team, we exchange ideas and work with each other on tpoics like Robot and Computational imaging, as well as other interesting yet challenging topics.

We are looking for passionate new undergrate students to join the group (more info) !


30. Dec 2021

Our first season plan passed successfully!

11. Nov 2021

Our participating team passed the registration review for the first time!

4. Nov 2021

Welcome the first-generation CVIR students join Robomaster team!

1. Nov 2021

Our Robomaster team CVIR is officially starting!

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