Group Members

We are looking for new students to join the team (see openings) !

Jump to Senior staff, Consultant, staff, former members.

Senior staff

Xueming Xiao

Associate professor

  • PhD, Founder of CVIR, Harbin Institute of Technology

Yunjie Teng

Assistant professor

  • PhD, Changchun University of Science and Technology(CUST)

Boyu Lin

Assistant professor

  • Harbin Institute of Technology


Wenbo Jing


  • PhD, Changchun University of Science and Technology(CUST)

Ru Zheng

Associate professor

  • PhD, Changchun University of Science and Technology(CUST)

Yue Pan

Associate professor

  • PhD, Changchun University of Science and Technology(CUST)


Haonan Xu

BSC student, team leader, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Yun Liu

BSC student, electric control, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Zengjue Chen

BSC student, algorithm, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Yu Su

BSC student, electric control, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Sicheng Xi

BSC student, algorithm, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Daochun Dong

BSC student, algorithm, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Zhiyuan Chen

BSC student, electric control, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Tianhong Xia

BSC student, algorithm, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Lutong Li

BSC student, Business, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Zian Song

BSC student, publicity, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Haoda Wang

BSC student, machinery, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

Yanbo Fu

BSC student, machinery, started Oct 2021

  • Bsc student with Changchun University of Science and Technology

C-max(Pang Pang)

our Max!

This could be you !

See openings for more info

Former team members
